The Essential Guide to Sewer Inspections for Homeowners
The Essential Guide to Sewer Inspections for Homeowners As a homeowner, you take pride in maintaining your home. You paint the walls, fix the leaks,

Approvals & Standards – Are They End Game or Path Markers?
By John M Heisler Approvals & Standards – Are They End Game or Path Markers? “I’ve been installing liners for a while now and ran

Tried & Tested Materials
My usual supplier provided me with a “new improved” product but after several failures of the new improved lining material I’m not so sure. How

Casting the Future of Pipe Rehabilitation
When two leaders in a field see an opportunity to combine forces the outcome can become more than the sum of 1 + 1 =

Sinkholes For Everyone!
A large sinkhole opened in the middle of a busy intersection in downtown Louisville Saturday afternoon. The cause was a 100-year-old brick sewer that runs under downtown Louisville.

We Are On The Road Again.
Louisville, if you missed us back in August, come see us in Monroeville, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, October 15. The show is called 3 Rivers Wet Weather